Here listed below are some of the advantages of regularly practicing Pilates:
. Improved Flexibility
. Greater Strength and muscle tone
. More efficient respiratory system
. More effective lymphatic system therefore less toxins in the body
. More effective circulatory system
. Lowered Stress levels
. A Flatter Stomach and Trimmer Waist (through better TVA engagement)
. Better posture
. Toned Bum and thighs
. Toned Arms and shoulders
. Fewer headaches (where they are posture-based)
. Less back pain
. Boosted immune system
. Increased Bone density
. Greater joint mobility
. Fewer injuries through sport
. Improved performance (sport)
All of the above can be attained when the Pilates exercises are performed by using the following Principles:
Neutral Spine
Transversus Abdominals engagement
Pelvic stability
Pelvic floor engagement
Shoulder stabilisation
Flow and Control