10. Chalk Circle

Pilates Principles – Breath, Slow and Controlled, Relaxation

Teaching Points – Listen to your body and if when you try to take your arm over your head it feels wrong or difficult then take it across your body instead. This is an alternative exercise when the chest and shoulder are too tight to perform chalk circle. Breathe into prepare and as you breathe out move in a slow and controlled way, when you get your arm all the way to the other side then relax into the stretch by breathing deeply and allowing your body to let go.

Watch Out Points – Moving too fast, knees coming up off the floor, their arms waving about in the air because they are so tight in their shoulders.

Demonstrate alternatives such as blocks under knees, arm to the ear and no further or open gate exercise instead.

Modifications and Alternatives

In nearly most of your FFP classes, there will always be a variety of abilities. Therefore as a fitness professional you always need to accommodate the less able and offer them modifications or alternative exercises.

You will need to screen all new participants with a pre-exercise questionnaire if it’s your own community class or do a general screening before the class starts if its in a gym. You will need to establish their level of ability is before the class commences in case you need to offer them alternatives.

Listed on the next page are 6 of the main joint conditions you will see coming into your classes: