4. Superman
Pilates Principles – Keep neutral spine, belt engagement, when extended opposite arm to leg breathe into prepare breathe out on the move.
Teaching Points – Imagine an iron rod running along your back from the top of your head. Keep hips in neutral, imagine your hips and pelvis are traffic lights. Make sure wrists are under shoulders and knees under hips so you are all squared off like a table.
Watch out Points – Don’t allow your hips to dip when extending the leg, make sure you bring your knee back to where it was on the mat when bringing leg back in, keep the weight evenly distributed between each hand. Only add in the arm when mastered the leg and neutral spine and balance is maintained.
5. The Saw
Pilates Principles – Neutral Spine, Shoulder Stabilisation, Belt Engaged
Teaching Points – Maintain length through your body, stay relaxed through the arms, when reaching across to opposite leg try and maintain length through the spine and keep opposite bum cheek down.
Watch Out Points – Losing neutral spine and rounding the back and shoulders, unable to keep legs straight due to tight hamstrings, opposite bum cheek coming up off the floor. (In this case offer a block or even two for them to sit on to help with hip opening and maintaining neutral spine)